Thinking about community and participation
Just finished facilitating my fourth Butoh and meditation workshop, which I do with the carers at Carers Centre Tower Hamlets. They are an excellent group of people for me to learn all sorts from, and it’s beautiful to meet and share our skills and time. What always comes out from working with this group is the need for me-time. I try and facilitate this with body reflective practices such as a meditation body scan or allowing one body part to encounter another for the first time.
My intention with this practice-based research project on decomposition is to announce decomposition in all our bodies in a loving way. My workshop with CCTH today involved all things body, including a poem on all of its functions, as well as the reflection on the 32 parts. It announced the body processes and was a reflective process, but also was really loving. We keep it casual mostly and so can always reflect in real time on the effects of something and support each other in new discoveries. This is exactly the vibe I want to recreate for this decomposition project.
My score so far involved 9 stages [see below], and now the work is to score which one’s have these participatory elements which I can workshop.
I have also been considering the soil rituals that IntimateAnimals did in the events I produced at the Royal Albert Hall. Having a participatory soil walking element is key and I will want to introduce the type of reflections I used when I was in gammatan.
Furthermore I have continued by research with bubbles and think that as perhaps an ending to my durational participatory ritual I should have some collective bubble blowing. Ephemeralness and all that jazz. The plastic bubbles decay well over a few hours though so perhaps those would do well to be blown at the beginning.